Transfer of tax jurisdiction codes (JDC) from a contract account topartner address entered as a JDC address.

This report is used in upgrade preparations for the industry solutionsUtilities and Telecommunications from Release 1.2 or 4.51to Release 4.61, and for the industry solution Insurance fromRelease 2.1 or 4.51 to Release 4.61.
It can also be used after the upgrade to 4.61, if it was not executedbeforehand.
For Release 4.61, the JDC will no longer be defined in the contractaccount, but in the address relevant for the JDC in the businesspartner. For this conversion, all JDCs must be transferred from thecontract accounts to the addresses relevant for the JDC in the businesspartner. This is checked by report XPRA FKK_XPRA_TRANSFER_JDC_TO_BPADR,which runs for the upgrade to 4.61. Since the transfer of JDCs can takea long time for large volumes of data (contract accounts and businesspartners with JDCs), we recommend transferring the JDCs from theaccount to the partner addresses before the upgrade and duringproduction operation. To do this you can use reportFKK_TRANSFER_JDC_TO_BPADDR.
The report registers when you have completed a JDC transfer. In anupgrade to 4.61, the relevant XPRA responds to this information anddoes not send an error message for conversion that has not taken place.
The report itself does not run in parallel. If you need to run it inparallel, for example if there is a large volume of data, we recommendthe following procedure:
Divide up the volume of contract account numbers into any number (n) ofintervals of roughly equal size.
Start the conversion report n times, giving the contract account numberintervals.
Running the report in parallel may mean that two contract accounts thatare assigned to the same partner cannot be processed at the same time.Since the accounts are processed quickly, however, overlapping seldomoccurs.
Intervals do not have to be processed simultaneously; they can also bedone in succession (for example, over several weeks before theupgrade). If you have entered the note below correctly in the system(either manually or using AOP), changes to contract accounts that weremade after the report run, will be transferred to the business partneraddresses.
WARNING Since the report stores only general information aboutthe fact that it was executed, the person calling the report mustensure that the report processed all contract accounts. In other words,if the contract account numbers were divided up into intervals, theperson must ensure that all intervals were processed, and that theintervals included all contract accounts.
You must check each report run log to ensure that all contract accountswere processed correctly in that run. If, for example, a businesspartner is locked by a clerk (or a parallel run) an entry will be madein the log. These records must then be processed manually. The reportmust be started again for these accounts.
