SAP Program FKKBRPNO01 - Accounts Receivable Ledger (Norway)

You use this report for the following:

  • To generate a list of the contract account balances and the
  • corresponding contract accounting documents for each business partnerand contract account in the specified fiscal period in accordance withthe requirements of Kundespesifikasjon in Norway.
    • To calculate and store the closing balances of contract accounts for the
    • specified period
      The system calculates contract account balance data for the specifiedperiod from the opening balances of the current period and from therelevant contract accounting document amounts. If the balances for thespecified period were not stored in a previous run, the report alsostores the calculated balances for future use.
      The calculation of contract account balances can take a long time whenyou process mass data. To avoid long runtimes, we recommend that youschedule a batch job to update the contract account balances regularly.

      To reduce the processing time needed to calculate contract accountbalances, a new database table, the DFKKBRPOPNOT table was created tostore document data that are relevant to balance calculation.
      To enable the system to store data relevant to balance calculation inthe DFKKBRPOPNOT table, enter and activate the installation-specificfunction modules in Customizing for Contract Accounts Receivable andPayable under Program Enhancements -> Define Customer-SpecificFunction Modules as follows:

      • Function module FKK_BRP_0010 for event 0010

      • Function module FKK_BRP_0020 for event 0020

      • Function module FKK_BRP_0030 for event 0030
      • Selection
        Enter the selection data as required.
        You can choose one of the following output options. Please note that allof the following options result in updating the contract account balancedata.

        • Display data on the screen

        • If you select this option, you can also choose a display layout. If youdo not specify any layout, the system uses the default layout.
          The report displays a maximum of 10,000 lines. If the selection criteriaresult in more than the maximum number of lines, you can choose from oneof the following options:
          Export the data to a file. If you choose this option, you must alsoenter a name for the file.
          Cancel the report
          • Export data to file

          • If you select this option, you must also specify a file name.
            We recommend that you specify a logical file name. For more information,see logical file name. However, if you want thesystem to export the file to a physical location, you can enter thephysical location and a file name in the Logical file name field.
            • Only update contract account balances

            • If you select this option, the report updates contract account balancedata. However, it does not display or export this data.
              We recommend that you use this option for processing of mass data whenyou do not need the data to be displayed or exported immediately.

              The report calculates and stores the contract account balance data.According to the specified selection options, the report also generatesa list of contract account balance data by the following:

              • Business partner number

              • Contract account

              • Fiscal period

              • Note that the fiscal period is determined by the posting dates of thecontract accounting documents.
                The system includes the following information in the list:
                • The opening and closing balances for each period in local currency

                • The contract accounting documents and their amounts in transaction
                • currency and local currency