SAP Program FKKBRP10 - Contract Accounting Document Consistency Check

When you post contract accounting documents, document item data isstored in two different database tables. One of the tables is used forgeneric contract accounting purposes, the other one is used to calculatecontract accounting balances. You use this report to check for anyinconsistency between the aggregated item amounts of the non-statisticaldocuments stored in these tables.

The report enables you to display document data as one of the following:

  • The number of documents with consistent and inconsistent aggregated item
  • amounts respectively
    • A detailed list of non-statistical contract accounting documents

    • The detailed list includes the following:
      • Aggregated document item amounts used for generic contract accounting
      • purposes
        • Aggregated document item amounts used to update contract accounting data

        • The difference between these two amounts

        • The detailed list also includes a status indicator with a traffic lighticon for each document. The meaning of the traffic light icons is asfollows:
          • Green light: documents with consistent amounts

          • Red light: documents with inconsistent amounts
          • Selection
            In the Data Selection group box, enter the following data asrequired:

            • Company code

            • The business partner numbers

            • The contract account numbers

            • The document numbers

            • The posting dates of contract account documents for which you want to
            • collect data
              In the Processing Options group box, you can choose one of thefollowing:
              • Error log

              • The report lists only documents for which there is inconsistency betweenthe aggregated document item amounts.
                • Summary log

                • The report displays the numbers of documents with consistent andinconsistent amounts respectively. It does not, however, display anydocument item data.
                  • Status log

                  • The report lists all contract accounting documents regardless of whetherthere is any inconsistency between the aggregated document itemamounts.

                    The report displays contract accounting document data according to thespecified selection options.