SAP Program FIN_FSSC_SR_AUTO_F110 - Automatic Creation of Service Requests for payment run F110

You can use this program to automatically create service requests in CRMfor exceptions in the proposal or payment run, so that the FinancialShared Services Center is involved in the process of resolving theproblem for selected exceptions.

The system creates a service request for an exception only if no otherservice request already exists for the same payment run and the sameproblem.
There are several different ways of seeing that a service request hasbeen created for an exception:

  • You can see the service request number in the proposal
  • and payment list.
    • When editing the proposal run or
    • displaying the payment run, you can also navigate tothe service request, for example, to add further information.
      • You can use program FIN_FSSC_SR_FI_REPORT

      • to display a list of service requests created in Financials. Torestrict the selection, you can enter the application area (PAY_AUTOM),select the parameter for automatically created service request, andoptionally enter the payment run date and ID.

        You have maintained the Customizing activities for automatic servicerequest creation (application FINANCIALS, application area PAY_AUTOM,activitiy F110). For further information, seeHow Shared Services Framework IntegrationWorks.
        Note: The number of the messages in Customizing (message classFZ, numbers between 500 and 599) corresponds to the itemindicator of the exceptions in the proposal andpayment list, for example:
        Indicator 003 (Item is blocked for payment) corresponds to message FZ503.

        You can execute the program individually after a payment or proposalrun, or schedule it together with a run as a list in thepayment program on tab Printout/data medium.