You use this report to execute mass changes for the FS contracts thatare created in a multiple-asset contract. For contracts to be eligible for change processing, they need to be inan active status. This means that they have been incepted but not yetcompleted. In this report, you can select FS contracts from several multiple-assetcontracts using the contract ID, a license plate number, or a vehicleidentification number (VIN). You then select the change process to beexecuted, either immediately or in a background job. The following Customizing activity is relevant for this report: Customer Relationship Management> -> Financial Services> ->Leasing> -> Settings for Multiple-Asset Contracts> ->Accumulation of Amounts> -> DefineChg. Proc. for Removing Link Between Multiple-Asset and FS>> In this Customizing activity, you define the change processes to be usedto remove the link between the multiple-asset contract and the FScontract. In standard Customizing, this Customizing table contains thechange process LCOO<(>,<)> Change of Ownership. Check Change Processes>: Checks whether the process enteredcontains errors. Application Log>: Displays the log for the change processexecuted. Batch Execution>: Executes the change process in a background job. Online Execution>: Executes the change process immediately. Header Change Process> / Item Change Process>: Switchesbetween the two types of change processes to be executed, either aheader or item level change process.Selection Search Parameters> You can search for FS contracts using:
- multiple-asset contract IDs
- license numbers
- VINs
Mass Change Input Parameters> You enter the required change process type and the necessary data. Note:> You need to search for an FS contract before these fieldsare enabled.Activities To access this report, go to transaction SE38 and enter report name/MACCRM/MASS_CHANGE_DATA