SAP Parameter rspo/store_location - Controls where TemSe stores data from R/3 spool


Short text
TemSe storage location for data from the R/3 spool

Parameter description
This parameter specifies the storage location for the TemSe objects ofthe spool system. The TemSe objects can be saved in the file system orin the database. More information can be found in the online manual ofthe R/3 spool system.

Work area

Default value
db (in lowercase), save to the database

Who is allowed

Other parameter
rsts/files/root/G , rsts/files/root/L ,rsts/files/root/T .
db (in lowercase)
Save to the database table TST03
Advantage: The spool/TemSe data is saved using regular DB backups andthen restored. The database keeps the various spool/TemSe tablesconsistent when restoring them. No additional memory is required in thefile system for TemSe.
Disadvantage: It takes longer to write to the database than to the filesystem (generally also longer than writing to NFS file systems). The"temporary" spool data is always saved too, which makes the backupslonger.
G (uppercase)
Save to the 'global' directory with the default name /usr/sap/<(>
Advantage: Usually much quicker than writing to the database.
Disadvantage: The data is backed up outside of the database backups,which means that the administration tables TSP01 and TST01 might beinconsistent with the files in the file system and need to be madeconsistent again using consistency checks after restoring a backup inthe case of disk crashes. If the R/3 system consists of multipleinstances on multiple machines, the 'global' directory must be mountedon all machines using NFS; if not, inconsistencies occur and spooloperations cannot run without errors. Enough disk space must beavailable, since spool data can easily reach volumes of 300-500 MB inthe file system.
L (uppercase)
Save to the local 'data'' directory with the default name /usr/sap/<(>
Advantage: Usually even quicker than option G, since the data is writtento and read from a local disk.
Caution: This value should only be used in special cases. If misused, itcould causes inconsistencies in spool/TemSe and produce printing errors.
In the case of R/3, L specifies that the creator of the spool data andthe spool work process are part of the same instance and run on the samephysical machine (to which the printer is also connected). The printermust also be assigned to this spool work process. The spool requestscreated in this way can only be edited on this instance. This type ofconfiguration requires a lot of work and is therefore not recommended.
T (uppercase)
Save locally to the tmp directory
Default name /tmp (Unix) or C:\TEMP (NT). This parameter setting cannotbe used effectively for regular applications and is only intended fortest cases. It produces the same results as L, but the followingconditions need to be noted:
The /tmp or C:\TEMP directory is used by the operating systemindependently of R/3 and, more specifically, is deleted without R/3 be
ing informed. This can produce data loss, inconsistencies, and othererrors when printing. This means it should never be activated inproduction environments.