SAP Parameter rfc/signon_error_log - Ausgabe von Informationen bzgl. misslungener RFC-Anmeldung

If an RFC logon fails, an ABAP message is created by default.
This profile makes it possible to either display or suppress an ABAPshort dump.

Short text
Ouput of information with regard to failed RFC

Parameter description
In order to receive additional information on the cause of the loginproblem in the form of an ABAP short dump when an RFC logon fails or notto receive short dumps for compatibility reasons, you must include theprofile parameter "rfc/signon_error_log" into the pfile file of therelevabt application server.
When setting the profile value to 0 (that is, rfc/signon_error_log = 0)no ABAP short dump is written but only a syslog entry is created.
When setting the profile value to 1 (that is, rfc/signon_error_log = 1),the short dump "CALL_FUNCTION_SIGNON_REJECTED" is displayed for everylogon error. The content of this dump can be analyzed using the ABAPshort dump analysis transaction (transaction code: ST22).
When setting the profile value to -1 (that is, rfc/signon_error_log =-1), an ABAP message is displayed for every logon error instead of theshort dump. This is the default setting.
Value 0 =
1 =
Short dump active
2 =
Short dump active and trace outputs in developer trace files (dev_w*)
-1 =
No short dump active but ABAP message and trace outputs in developertrace files (dev_w*)

Work area

Default value