SAP Parameter rdisp/wp_abap_restart - Automatic work process restart


Short text
Automatic work process restartThis parameter specifies whether the system should immediatelyrestart a work process that has exceeded the
abap/heaplimit, orwait a while before restarting.This should only be used to avoid restarting too frequently.Contact SAP for help determining whether you should use this.

Work area
SystemThe value can be specified with or without a time unit. If you donot specify a time unit, the system uses seconds as the unit.Alternatively, you can specify M for minutes or H for hours. Therecan be spaces between the value and the unit.

  • 300 300 seconds

  • 2 M 2 minutes

  • 3H 3 hours
  • Default value
    0, that is a work process is restarted as soon aspossible if it exceeds the ABAP heap limit.

    Who is allowed
    Customer, with support from SAP

    Limitation for os

    Limitation for db

    Other parameter

    Character string