SAP Parameter rdisp/wpdbug_max_no - Max. number of work processes in SAP debug mode

rdisp/wpdbug_max_noThere are two different types of debugging mode.

  • In the first case, process switching is performed by the
  • operating system. There are no forced commits to the databaseduring the debug process. This is the "SAP debugging mode".
    • In the second case, the debugging process is handled like a
    • normal work process, that is, there are also roll-in and roll-outprocesses that may result in changes to the database.This is the "normal debugging mode".The total number of possible dialog processes in the SAP debuggingmode depends on whether or not you are in the productive clientnot.If you try to start a work process in the SAP debugging mode inthe productive client, the system returns an error message if thenumber of already existing SAP debugging modes rdisp/wp_no_dia / 2is exceeded. Therefore you can only execute debugging in theproductive client in the SAP debugging mode. (This does not causedata inconsistency in the database on the productive client!)The SAP debugging mode is used in other clients if the number of theprocesses to be debugged is less than rdisp/wpdbug_max_no.Otherwise the process to be debugged is started in the normaldebugging mode.

      Work area

      Parameter unit

      Default value

      Who is allowed
      The customer

      Limitation for os

      Limitation for db

      Other parameter
