SAP Parameter rdisp/vb_v2_auto_sync - Auto sync for V2 update requests?


Short text
Auto sync for V2 update requests?

Parameter description
The profile parameter specifies if it is necessary to wait for the V2update after a certain number of requests (the value ofrdisp/vb_auto_sync) at the same time as theend of the V2 update.
If too few V2 processes are configured to deal with the workload, it canhappen sooner or later than the V2 queue becomes full. In the followingthe update requests in SM13 remain hanging in status V1 and must berestarted from there manually (after the system has been configuredbetter). To avoid this we can set this profile parameter to the valuTRUE, true, ON, on, or 1.
However this means that a v1 update can regularly be paused until therelevant V2 part is read (the V1 process then pauses in status UP2). Inthe following it can cause a complete bloackage of the system as at somepoint the other processes are waiting for the V1 update. As this is seenas more critical than the V2 requests from SM13, the default for theprofile parameter 'false'.

Work area

Parameter unit
Boolean value

Default value

Other parameter

TRUE, true, ON, on, or 1