SAP Parameter rdisp/TRACE_LOGGING - Switch on/off trace logging


Short text
Switch trace logging ON / OFFYou can use this parameter if you want the trace to remain activefor an extended period of time for error analysis. To ensure thetrace files do not grow indefinitely large, you can set this toactivate an automatic reset if the files exceed a specified size.Before the reset is activated, the trace files are saved to a logfile. The name of the log file is the name of the trace file withthe extension ".old". You set the time interval for each check andreset of the trace files using parameterrdisp/autothtime.
Trace logging is used for the work process, dispatcher, andgateway traces.

Work area

Parameter unit
Truth value

Default value
OFF, 0 (Logging not active)

Who is allowed
The customer

Limitation for os

Limitation for db
Nonerdisp/autothtimerdisp/TRACE_PATTERN_0rdisp/TRACE_SEARCH_LISTSpecify the parameter values using the following syntax:
rdisp/TRACE_LOGGING = on, <(><<)>n<(>><)> [k | m] [global=on|off] | offThe first part specifies whether logging is active(either on or off). If logging is active, the second part is used tospecify the file size above which the trace file is to be logged anda new trace is to be opened.
rdisp/TRACE_LOGGING = off==<(>><)> No trace loggingrdisp/TRACE_LOGGING = on, 1000==<(>><)> Trace logging if trace file is larger than1000 bytes.rdisp/TRACE_LOGGING = on, 20 k==<(>><)> Trace logging if trace file is larger than 20 kilobytesrdisp/TRACE_LOGGING = on, 30 m==<(>><)> Trace logging if trace file is larger than 30 MegabytesThe addition global=on or global=off only has an effect if theparameter rdiap/TRACE_PATTERN_0 has been set at the same as theparameter rdisp/TRACE_LOGGING.It specifies whether the trace logging is to be deactivatedglobally on all servers or only locally on the server that found thepattern.