SAP Parameter rdisp/TRACE_COMPS - Enable/disable trace for components


Short text
Enable/disable trace for componentsThere is a developer trace file for each work process in the SAPsystem. You can activate and deactivate the components individually.You can change the trace level and components at runtime using thedpmon program or transaction SM50.For reasons of performance and compatibility, there is still theglobal trace level ( rdisp/TRACE ). The "string
with the activecomponents" is new.Each component has a unique ID consisting of acode letter. The following components exist:A (ABAP)B (Database)C (DBSL, Database interface)D (Diag)E (Enqueue)F (JSF, Java Startup Framework)G (NLS, I18N)H (ICF, Internet Communication Framework)I (IPC)J (Java VM)L (Batch Log)M (Task handler)N (SNC, Secure Network Communication)P (Paging)R (Roll)S (Spool)T (Debugging system)W (WebGui, ITS)X (Memory Management)Y (Screen)You can control the status of the components usingrdisp/TRACE_COMPS as follows.Component X

  • is inactive if the code letter is not in the string
  • (no trace whatsoever)
    • Writes the trace only at level 1 (errors), if the component is in
    • the string as a lower-case letter.
      • Also writes the trace at a higher level, if it is included as an
      • upper-case letter (and rdisp/TRACE is set
        correspondinglyTherefore, if you want to write a trace at level 1 for allcomponents, but only the task handler component at a higher level,the string must have, for example, the value "Mdyabcirplesxn". Sincethis is, of course, far too cryptic, you can start the string with"All" (all IDs upper-case) or "all" (all IDs lower-case), and thensimply list any exceptions.
        • rdisp/TRACE_COMPS =all, M

        • stands for
          all at level 1, only task handler at higher level.This is also the default.
          • rdisp/TRACE_COMPS =All, ads

          • stands for
            All at the highest levels, but not the Diag, ABAP,or spool.
            If the parameter does not have any effect, formulate thestring so that it begins with all or All.Background
            • There is an area in shared memory for each work process in which
            • the current trace level and string are stored and in which newvalues can be entered using ABAP or the "dpmon" program. Thesevalues take effect at the next request transfer from the workprocess.
              • If you want to force the work process to use the values
              • immediately (only required in exceptional cases: loops, and so on),you must first change the values in shared memory (ABAP or dpmon)and then use "kill -USR1 <(><<)>pid<(>><)>" (or USR2) to send the work
                processa signal. If the signal handling does not find any values for thelevel/string in the shared memory, it reacts as previously, thatis, USR1 lowers the level by 1, USR2 increases the level by 1.
                • Trace logging allows you to control the trace for the selected
                • components. The relevant parameters are listed below.

                  Work area

                  Parameter unit
                  Special character string

                  Default value
                  all, M

                  Who is allowed
                  For problem analysis by SAP only

                  Limitation for os

                  Limitation for db

                  Other parameter
                  : rdisp/TRACErdisp/TRACE_LOGGINGrdisp/TRACE_PATTERN_0rdisp/TRACE_SEARCH_LIST

                  Character string (examples above)

                  Character string