SAP Parameter rdisp/ROLL_SHM - Roll buffer size


Short text
Roll buffer sizeThe value specifies the size of the roll buffer in 8KB blocks.The roll buffer is used as a cache for the roll file.To ensure fast context change, the roll buffer shouldprovide enough space for the roll areas of all user contexts.
AimMinimum time for context change
Windows NT
Standard value is calculated from the profileparameter PHYS_MEMSIZE.

Parameter unit
8 KB blocks

Default value
0 (other)
= [UC] * 100 (Windows NT)
( [UC] = Max. number of users calculated from theprofile parameter PHYS_MEMSIZE)

Proposed value
8192 (64MB)

Who is allowed
The customerNo manual maintenance required for Microsoft Windows NT

Other parameter
A value larger than rdisp/ROLL_MAXFS (size ofthe roll file) does not make any sense.

Limitation for os

Limitation for db