SAP Parameter rdisp/max_vm_forced_sgc_time - Maximum time before starting a force SGC for a specific VM


Short text
Maximum time before starting a forced SharedGarbage Collection for a specific VMYou can use this parameter to control the behavior during a "sharedgarbage collection" (SGC). For an SGC to be successfully completed,all VMs in the VM container must contribute. However, in unfavorablecases, it can be the case that individual VMs cannot contribute,because they are bound to an ABAP context. To be able to completethe SGC despite this, the VM can be temporarily separated from theABAP context. This is known as a "forced SGC".The parameter specifies whether and when a forced SGC is to betriggered, and the system periodically checks the VMs. If a VM mustcontribute to the SGC, the wait time for its contribution isdetermined. If this exceeds the parameter value, a forced SGC istriggered. The parameter value 0 deactivates the forced SGC.

Work area

Parameter unit

Default value
10, that is the forced SGC is triggered after 10 secs