SAP Parameter rdisp/max_debug_lazy_time - Maximum hold time for work processes in DEBUG mode


Short text
Max. hold time for work processes in DEBUG modeSo that work processes are not blocked by debugging for an undefinedamount of time, you can use this parameter to set the maximum amountof time that a debugging session may be "lazy"; that is, nointeraction takes place with the debugger, before the systemautomatically resets it.The Value 0 means "infinite".

Work area
DispatcherYou can make a specification with or without a time unit. If you donot specify a time unit, seconds is used as the unit. Otherwise, youcan specify M for minutes, or H for hours. There can be spacesbetween the value and the unit.

  • 300 300 seconds

  • 2 M 2 minutes

  • 3H 3 hours
  • Default value
    600 (10 Minutes)

    Who is allowed
    The customer

    Limitation for os

    Limitation for db