Parameter rdisp/jvm_pool_timeout Short text Timeout for pooled Java VMsThis parameter defines the length of time after which a Java VMthat is in a pool can be deleted again. This only happens, if thedeletion does not mean that there are fewer VMs in the pool than theminimum number defined by the parameter rdisp/min_jvm>.Work area DispatcherThe value can be specified with or without a time unit. If you donot specify a time unit, the system uses seconds as the unit.Alternatively, you can specify M for minutes or H for hours. Therecan be spaces between the value and the unit. Examples
- 300 300 seconds
- 2 M 2 minutes
- 3H 3 hours
Default value 1800 seconds Who is allowed The customer rdisp/min_jvm> rdisp/autothtime>