SAP Parameter rdisp/bufreftime - Refresh Interval in Distributed Systems


Short text
Refresh Interval in Distributed SystemsThe local buffer is updated every <(><<)>n<(>><)> seconds (you can set
the unit,see below) by reading and processing the new DDLOG records.To do this, buffer synchronization must be activated (parameterrdisp/bufrefmode must have the value

Work area
DispatcherThe value can be specified with or without a time unit. If you donot specify a time unit, the system uses seconds as the unit.Alternatively, you can specify M for minutes or H for hours. Therecan be spaces between the value and the unit.

Default value
120 seconds

Who is allowed
The customer

Limitation for os

Limitation for db
NoneThis parameter is only relevant if buffer syncrhonization is active.This is controlled with parameter