SAP Parameter ms/http_port - Port where HTTP requests arrive


Short text
Port where HTTP requests arrive
CautionThis parameter is obsolete and should no longer be used.Use parameter ms/server_port_<(><<)>xx<(>><)> insteadMessage server port at which HTTP requests arrive.You can change the value dynamically. If you do so, the plus/minussign has the following meaning:
<(>><)> 0
System listens at this port as well
<(><<)> 0
Port closed
NoteIf you change the value dynamically, the previously set port remainsopen, although only the new value is displayed in transaction RZ11.You can view all open HTTP ports of the message server intransaction SMMS by choosing Goto -<(>><)> Parameters -<(>><)> Display.Under UNIX, it is not possible to open ports <(><<)> 1024, because this
isonly possible with root authorizations.
If the optional Parameter EXTBIND=1 is set, the system attempts tobind the port with the external binding program icmbnd and then totransfer it to the message server.

Work area
Message server

Parameter unit

Default value

Who is allowed
The customer

Limitation for os

Limitation for db

Other parameter

1 <(><<)>= x <(><<)>= 65535