SAP Parameter login/server_logon_restriction - Server Logon Restriction


Short text
Restrict logon to application server

Parameter description
You can use the profile parameter login/server_logon_restrictionto restrict users logging on to the application server.
The following values are possible:

  • 0: No restriction

  • All users can log on to the application server.
    • 1: Logon to the application server only permitted with special
    • authorization.
      Only users whose assigned security policy contains the attributeSERVER_LOGON_PRIVILEGE with the value 1 can log on to the system.
      • 2: No logon to the application server permitted.

      • Notes:
        • If you set the dynamic profile parameter, no users are logged off from
        • the application server.
          • Use transction RZ10 to store the value permanently.

          • This function is only available, if kernel specified in SAP Note
          • 1891583 is installed.

            Work area

            Default value
            0 (no restriction)

            Who is allowed

            Limitation for os

            Limitation for db


            • 0: No restriction

            • 1: Logon to the application server only permitted with special
            • authorization.
              • 2: No logon to the application server permitted.