SAP Parameter login/password_charset - character set used for passwords


Short text
Character sets for passwordsThis parameter is only evaluated if the profile parameter
login/password_downwards_compatibility is set to the value 5.Otherwise, all Unicode characters are permissible in general.This parameter defines the characters of which a password canconsist:
Value 0
The password can only consist of digits, letters, and thefollowing 32 (ASCII) special characters:
!"@ $%&/()=?'`*+~#-_.,;:{[]}\<(><<)><(>><)>|
Value 1
The password can consist of any characters, includingnational special characters (such as ISO Latin-1, 8859-1);however, all characters that are not contained in the setlisted above (at login/password_charset = 0) are mapped tothe same (special) character and the system therefore doesnot differentiate between them.This value is the default value (backward-compatible).
Value 2
The password can consist of any characters; it is convertedinternally to the Unicode format UTF-8. If you are using anon-Unicode-capable system, you should, however, note thatit may be the case that it is not possible to enter allcharacters on the logon screen (restricted due to thecodepage determined by the system language).
With login/password_charset = 2, passwords are stored in aformat (=<(>><)> code version "D") that cannot be interpreted by systemswith an older kernel (=<(>><)> see SAP Note 735356); you should
thereforeonly set the profile parameter to the value 2, if you have ensuredthat all systems involved support the new password coding.

Work area

Default value

Who is allowed
The customer

Limitation for os

Limitation for db

  • login/min_password_digits

  • login/min_password_letters

  • login/min_password_specials

  • login/min_password_lowercase

  • login/min_password_uppercase

  • login/password_downwards_compatibility

    • login/password_compliance_to_current_policy

      0 / 1 / 2