SAP Parameter login/create_sso2_ticket - Create SSO tickets on this system


Short text
Permit generation of SSO ticketsYou can use SSO tickets to allow Single Sign-On (SSO) between SAPsystems, and even beyond to non-SAP systems.An SSO ticket can be a logon ticket or an assertion ticket.The logon ticket is transferred as a cookie with the name MYSAPSSO2.The assertion ticket is transferred as an HTTP header variable withthe name MYSAPSSO2.Note this requires additional configuration steps for theissuing and accepting systems.
The issuing system should permit the generation of an SSO ticket

  • login/create_sso2_ticket = 1 : SSO ticket incl.certificate

  • login/create_sso2_ticket = 2 : SSO ticket without certificate

  • We recommend
    • login/create_sso2_ticket = 2 The SSO tickets are significantly
    • smaller without the certificate andtherefore have less overhead.You should deactivate ticket generation for receivingsystems (login/create_sso2_ticket = 0).

      Work area

      Who is allowed
      The customer

      • login/ticket_expiration_time

      • login/ticket_only_by_https

      • login/ticket_only_to_host
      • Valid_values
        0 / 1 / 2