Parameter Short text
LOGFILE=security_log-%d-%m-%y_%h:%t:%s produces a security file with the name:security_log-15-12-2000_16:51:53 LEVEL=1-3: corresponding to the trace level, this value specifieslevel of detail of the logging: MAXSIZEKB Maximum size of the security file in kilobytesIf this size is exceeded, the current file is closed and a newfile (with a different name) is opened. SWITCHTF A new security log can be generated not only when acertain size is reached, but also on the basis of time changes.You can use the following values: hour, day, month. After thisperiod has passed, a new file is to be created. FILEWRAP FILEWRAP=on means that whenever a new file would bestarted (due to the time or size limit being exceeded), theexisting security file is reset and rewritten. There is thereforeonly ever one security file, which contains the current securitydata. Work area Parameter unit Default value Who is allowed Limitation for os Limitation for db Other parameter Valid_values |