SAP Parameter icm/HTTP/error_templ_path - Description where the error templates can be found


Short text
Descr. of where the error templates can be foundYou can generate your own static or dynamic error pages for the ICM,which are sent to the client if an error occurs. Use this parameterto specify the directory in which the ICM can find the pages.If this parameter is not set, the ICM returns its own static errorpage.For information about how to generate the error pages, see thedocumentation in the SAP Library or using the Help Portal.SAP Web Application Server -<(>><)> Client/Server Technology -<(>><)>
Architecture of the SAP Web Application Server -<(>><)> SAP WebApplication Server Components -<(>><)> Internet Communication Manager
-<(>><)>Error Handling Using the ICM.

Work area
Internet Communication Manager

Parameter unit
character string

Default value
not set

Who is allowed
The customer

Limitation for os

Limitation for db