Parameter | Group | Text |
icm/security_log | ICM | Configuration of ICM security log |
icm/server_port_<xx> | ICM | ICM server specification |
icm/SMTP/context_quota | ICM | Quota (in percent) for number of contexts in backend system |
icm/trace_secured_data | ICM | Show encrypted data in ICM tracefile dev_icm |
icm/wp_mpi_available | ICM | Min. number of MPIs which have to be available for roll-in |
icm/wp_roll_timeout | ICM | Maximum work process blocking time |
ict/max_form_fields | ICM | Maximum number of form fields allowed per HTTP request |
install/codepage/appl_server | Install | codepages installed on the application server |
install/codepage/db/non_transp | Install | Don't use:code page used for non-transparent db tables |
install/codepage/db/transp | Install | Don't use: Code page used in database |
install/collate/active | System | Collating sequence support in NLS shall be activated. |
install/locale/appl_server | Install | missing |
install/uid | Install | User identification used by whole R/3 towards the operating system |
install/umask | Install | mask for modifying the file permission bits |
INSTANCE_NAME | System | Instance Identification |
INSTANCE_SRVTYPE | System | Service type of the instance |
login/certificate_request_subject | Login | Template for the subject of a certificate request |
ipc/sem_fast | Ipc | Use mutex implementation for semaphores |
ipc/sem_fast_%02d | Ipc | Use mutex implementation for semaphore %02d |
ipc/shm_psize_<xx> | Ipc | Size of shared memory segments |
ipc/use_protection_id | Ipc | missing |
is/HTTP/default_root_hdl | System | Default HTTP handler for root-URLs ("/") |
is/HTTP/show_detailed_errors | System | Form of HTTP error pages (short or detailed) |
is/HTTP/virt_host_0 | System | Definition of virtual server for HTTP |
is/HTTP/virt_host_1 | System | Definition of virtual host for HTTP |
is/HTTP/virt_host_2 | System | Definition of virtual host for HTTP |
is/HTTP/virt_host_3 | System | Definition of virtual host for HTTP |
is/HTTP/virt_host_4 | System | Definition of virtual host for HTTP |
is/HTTP/virt_host_5 | System | Definition of virtual host for HTTP |
is/HTTP/virt_host_6 | System | Definition of virtual host for HTTP |
is/HTTP/virt_host_7 | System | Definition of virtual host for HTTP |
is/HTTP/virt_host_8 | System | Definition of virtual host for HTTP |
is/HTTP/virt_host_9 | System | Definition of virtual host for HTTP |
is/instname_encoding | System | Define the encoding of the instance name |
is/SMTP/virt_host_0 | System | Definition of virtual host for SMTP |
is/SMTP/virt_host_1 | System | Definition of virtual host for SMTP |
is/SMTP/virt_host_2 | System | Definition of virtual host for SMTP |
is/SMTP/virt_host_3 | System | Definition of virtual host for SMTP |
is/SMTP/virt_host_4 | System | Definition of virtual host for SMTP |
is/SMTP/virt_host_5 | System | Definition of virtual host for SMTP |
is/SMTP/virt_host_6 | System | Definition of virtual host for SMTP |
is/SMTP/virt_host_7 | System | Definition of virtual host for SMTP |
is/SMTP/virt_host_8 | System | Definition of virtual host for SMTP |
is/SMTP/virt_host_9 | System | Definition of virtual host for SMTP |
itsp/abap/publish_utf8 | System | publish data to external ITS with binary format, coded as utf8 |
itsp/cachecontrol/maxage | System | Integrated ITS, max-age for its mimes |
itsp/devmode/contextdump | System | Integrierter ITS, HTML Kontextdump erlauben |
itsp/enable | System | Enable the ITS / Web GUI kernel plugin |
itsp/ignorefromurl | System | Integrated ITS, remove parameter from url |
itsp/MaxFrames | System | SAP Gui for HTML, maximum number of frames |
itsp/MaxStates | System | SAP Gui for HTML, maximum syncronisation states |
itsp/MaxSubscreenNames | System | SAP Gui for HTML, maximum subscreen names |
itsp/MaxSubscreens | System | SAP Gui for HTML, maximum number of subscreens |
itsp/max_eg_mem_percent | System | High water mark for the ITS kernel plugin |
itsp/memory_check | System | Turn on memory check in the ITS / Web GUI kernel plugin |
itsp/SAPjulep/AutoPreProc | System | SAP Gui for HTML, sapjulep automatic preprocessing |
itsp/SAPjulep/MaxExFunctions | System | SAP Gui for HTML, maximum external functions |
itsp/SAPjulep/MaxExModules | System | SAP Gui for HTML, maximum number of external modules |
itsp/SAPjulep/MaxHtmlPPs | System | SAP Gui for HTML, maximum preparsed trees |
itsp/SAPjulep/Profiling | System | SAP Gui for HTML, sapjulep profiling |
itsp/SearchhelpResultPerPage | System | SAP Gui for HTML, Search help number of results per page |
itsp/Security/allow_designs_from | Gui | limit access through ~design_base_url |
itsp/Security/ITSAppletPSE | System | enable ITS's own PSE for Applet Handshaking |
itsp/startokcode | System | Integrated ITS, allow additional okcode for start transaction |
itsp/Traces/SAPagi/TraceLevel | System | SAP Gui for HTML, additional developer trace, agi interface |
itsp/Traces/SAPalvgrid/TraceLevel | Gui | ITS/WebGUI ALV Gridview Control Trace |
itsp/Traces/SAPdiag/TraceLevel | System | SAP Gui for HTML, additional developer trace, html diag |
itsp/Traces/SAPdp/TraceLevel | System | SAP Gui for HTML, additional developer trace, dataprovider |
itsp/Traces/SAPxgdk/TraceLevel | System | SAP Gui for HTML, additional developer trace, sapxgdk |
itsp/TreeNodesPerPage | System | SAP Gui for HTML, maximum tree nodes per page |
ixml/dtd_restriction | System | Restriction of DTD processing for iXML |
ixml/xml_expansion_factor | System | XML expansion factor for the iXML DTD restriction |
j2ee/dbdriver | J2eeEngine | Database driver location |
j2ee/dbhost | Database | Hostname of the J2EE database instance |
j2ee/dbname | Database | Name of the J2EE database instance |
j2ee/dbtype | Database | Type of the J2EE database instance |
j2ee/instance_id | J2eeEngine | J2EE instance ID |
javascript/DumpProp | Abap | CL_JAVA_SCRIPT: Pattern for display of global Object |
javascript/FrameStack | Abap | CL_JAVA_SCRIPT: size of internal call stack in bytes |
javascript/Options | Abap | CL_JAVA_SCRIPT: various settings |
javascript/RuntimeHeap | Abap | CL_JAVA_SCRIPT: memory usage before garbage collection |
javascript/TraceLevel | Abap | CL_JAVA_SCRIPT: switch on/off trace files, "0" no "50" max. trace |
javascript/TraceSize | Abap | CL_JAVA_SCRIPT: max. Size of Tracefiles in Bytes |
jstartup/instance_properties | J2eeEngine | Path list for property files to be read at startup |
jstartup/protocol | J2eeEngine | Extended trace on/off |
jstartup/release | J2eeEngine | Version string for backward compatibility 640 to 620 |
vmcj/debug_proxy/cfg/allowedPorts | VMC | Line to define the allowed ports for the Java Debug Proxy |
LOCALHOSTPATH | System | UNC Path to local \usr\sap directory |
login/accept_sso2_ticket | Login | Accept SSO ticket logon for this (component) system |
login/certificate_mapping_rulebased | Login | enable / disable rule-based X.509 certificate mapping |
login/create_sso2_ticket | Login | Create SSO tickets on this system |
login/disable_cpic | Login | Disable Incoming CPIC Communications |
login/disable_multi_gui_login | Login | disable multiple sapgui logons (for same SAP account) |
login/disable_password_logon | Login | login/disable_password_logon |
login/failed_user_auto_unlock | Login | Enable automatic unlock off locked user at midnight |
login/fails_to_session_end | Login | Number of invalid login attempts until session end |
login/fails_to_user_lock | Login | Number of invalid login attempts until user lock |
login/min_password_diff | Login | min. number of chars which differ between old and new password |
login/min_password_digits | Login | min. number of digits in passwords |
login/min_password_letters | Login | min. number of letters in passwords |