Parameter icm/max_conn Short text Maximum number of parallel open connectionsMaximum number of parallel open ICM connections.The parameter value can be larger than icm/max_threads>, asinactive connections in the ICM do not require a thread. The maximumvalue of this parameter is determined by the maximum number ofopen file handles in the operating system To be able to deal with overload situations better, the maximumnumber of connections is increased by the maximum number of threads.In the case of the default configuration of 500 connections and 50threads, 550 entries would therefore effectively be created. The memory for managing the connections is created in the heap whenthe program is started. Each connection entry requires around 520bytes. If icm/max_conn = 300, the memory requirement is around160 KB.Work area Internet Communication Manager Parameter unit Number Default value 500 Who is allowed The customer Limitation for os None Limitation for db None icm/max_sockets> The maximum number of sockets must be largerthan the maximum number of connections.Valid_values Integer |