Parameter | Group | Text |
em/global_area_MB | ExtMemory | Size of the extended global memory area (EG) im MB |
em/initial_size_MB | ExtMemory | Initial size of extended memory pool |
em/max_size_MB | ExtMemory | Maximum size of extended memory pool |
em/mm_diagmode | ExtMemory | Dagnostic options for internal memory management |
em/stat_log_size_MB | ExtMemory | Insert into history buffer over MB used |
em/stat_log_timeout | System | Write buffer onto disk all ... minutes |
EM/TOTAL_SIZE_MB | ExtMemory | Quota for maximum consumption of extended memory on that server |
em/use_sema_lock | ExtMemory | Select locking method in extended memory administration |
enque/async_req_max | Enqueue | Max. number of subsequent asynchronous requests |
enque/backup_disabled | Enqueue | Disables writing the backup file |
enque/backup_file | Enqueue | Name (full path) of the backup file |
enque/con_retries | Enqueue | Number of connect retries to standalone enqueue server |
enque/con_timeout | Enqueue | Timeout for connect establishment to standalone enqueue server |
enque/delay_jitter | Enqueue | Offset for enqueue/wait operations |
enque/delay_log_level | Enqueue | Log level for delays |
enque/delay_log_time | Enqueue | Log time for delays |
enque/delay_max | Enqueue | Number of retries if enqueue request is rejected |
enque/delay_max_refine | Enqueue | Maximum refine for Enqueue/wait operations |
enque/deque_wait_answer | Enqueue | Dequeue: wait for answer of enqueue server? |
enque/disable_replication | Enqueue | Disables the enqueue replication system |
enque/fast_table | Enqueue | Select fast or slow enqueue table implementation |
enque/logging | Enqueue | Switch enqueue logging on/off |
enque/log_file | Enqueue | enqueue related logfiles for all workprocesses (path) |
enque/process_location | Enqueue | Communication between work process and Enqueue Server |
enque/replication_dll | Enqueue | Name of the shared library for the enque replication |
enque/replication_failed_cmd | Enqueue | Command string to be executed when repl. reload fails |
enque/server/acl_file | Enqueue | ACL (access control list) file of the enqueue server port |
enque/snapshot_timeout | Enqueue | Timeout of query snapshots |
enque/statistics_file | Enqueue | Statistics file for Enqueue (full path) |
enque/table_size | Enqueue | Size of Enqueue Table |
enque/top_list_length | Enqueue | Length of the top lists in case of table overflows |
enque/use_pfclock2 | Enqueue | Use pfclock2 to measure times in enqueue processing |
sapgui/user_scripting_disable_recording | Gui | Disable the recording capabilities of SAP GUI Scripting |
es2/blocksize_KB | ExtMemory | Block size for extended memory |
es2/initial_size_MB | ExtMemory | Initial size of extended memory pool |
es/blockdisclaimsize_KB | ExtMemory | Threshold for releasing memory within an EM block |
es/disclaim_coasting_time_free | ExtMemory | Control EM usage against operating system |
es/disclaim_threshold_MB | ExtMemory | EM Memory beyond threshold will be released against OS |
es/freelist_compactor | ExtMemory | Use more efficient usage of EM blocks |
es/implementation | ExtMemory | Defines implementation of MM on UNIX based OS |
ES/SHM_BASE_ADDR | ExtMemory | Base virtual address to start allocating segments |
ES/SHM_DISC_BLK_MAX | ExtMemory | Max blocks to not disclaim |
ES/SHM_DISC_BLK_MIN | ExtMemory | Min Blocks to not disclaim |
ES/SHM_DISC_BLOCK_PER_SEG | ExtMemory | Number of blocks per seg to not disclaim |
ES/SHM_DISC_SEGMENTS | ExtMemory | Number of segments to not disclaim blocks in |
ES/SHM_DISC_SEG_INIT_CNT | ExtMemory | # of seg operations before averaged disclaim starts |
ES/SHM_DISC_SEG_MAX | ExtMemory | Max segments to not disclaim blocks in |
ES/SHM_DISC_SEG_MIN | ExtMemory | Min number of segments to not disclaim blocks in |
ES/SHM_FLAGS | ExtMemory | Internal SHM Segs settings |
ES/SHM_IDLE_SEGMENT | ExtMemory | Min segments in use to continue averaging |
ES/SHM_MAX_PRIV_SEGS | ExtMemory | Max segments for private context usage |
ES/SHM_MAX_SHARED_SEGS | ExtMemory | Max segemnts used for shared contexts |
ES/SHM_PROC_SEG_COUNT | ExtMemory | Number of segments to use for each work process |
ES/SHM_SEG_COUNT | ExtMemory | Maximum number of segments to use for ES |
ES/SHM_SEG_SIZE | ExtMemory | Segment size in MBytes |
ES/SHM_SYS_FREE_MAX | ExtMemory | Max num of unused seg's before returned to system |
ES/SHM_SYS_INIT_SEGS | ExtMemory | Initial number of seg's to allocate from system |
ES/SHM_USER_COUNT | ExtMemory | Number of ES users to support |
ES/TABLE | ExtMemory | Selection of ES implementation |
es/use_shared_memory | ExtMemory | Use shared memory based ext. memory (instead mmap) |
eu/controlled_modification | Abap | Customizing modifications on repository Objects |
eu/filename | Abap | missing |
eu/iwb/help_type | Gui | Info Workbench: Type of Extended Help (format/access) |
eu/iwb/installed_languages | Gui | Info Workbench: Installed Help Languages |
eu/iwb/path_mac | Gui | Info Workbench: File path for Help on Mac Platforms |
eu/iwb/path_os2 | Gui | Info Workbench: File path for Help on OS/2 platforms |
eu/iwb/path_unix | Gui | Info Workbench: File path for Help on UNIX platforms |
eu/iwb/path_win16 | Gui | Info Workbench: File path for Help on Win16 platforms |
eu/iwb/path_win32 | Gui | Info Workbench: File path for Help on Win32 platforms |
eu/iwb/server_mac | Gui | Info Workbench: HTTP server for Help on Mac platforms |
eu/iwb/server_os2 | Gui | Info Workbench: HTTP server for help on OS/2 platforms |
eu/iwb/server_unix | Gui | Info Workbench: HTTP server for help on UNIX platforms |
eu/iwb/server_win16 | Gui | Info Workbench: HTTP server for Help on Win16 platforms |
eu/iwb/server_win32 | Gui | Info Workbench: HTTP server for help on Win32 platforms |
Execute_<xx> | System | Command to be executed during startup |
Execute_Program_<xx> | System | Command to be executed during startup |
EXETYPE | System | missing |
exe/alpha_term | Gui | missing |
exe/centralprgm | System | missing |
exe/check | System | missing |
exe/clock | System | missing |
exe/disp+work | Dispatcher | Name of dispatcher executable |
exe/gbmat | Graphic | missing |
exe/gbusg | Graphic | missing |
exe/ggant | Graphic | missing |
exe/ghier | Graphic | missing |
exe/ghpgl | Graphic | missing |
exe/gmenu | Graphic | missing |
exe/gscld | Graphic | missing |
exe/gwrd | Gateway | Name of gateway executable |
exe/gwwp | Gateway | Name of gateway workprocess executable |
exe/icman | ICM | Name of Internet Communication Manager (ICM) executable |
exe/icmbnd | ICM | Name of external binding executable for ports |
exe/j2ee | Dispatcher | name of SAP J2EE Engine executable or batch file |
exe/localprgm | System | missing |
exe/log_server | System | missing |
exe/os_collector | System | missing |
exe/saposcol | System | missing |
exe/saptemu | Gui | missing |
exe/spool_server | Spool | missing |