Parameter | Group | Text |
auth/no_check_in_some_cases | Auth | Activation of the Profile Generator |
auth/object_disabling_active | Auth | Value 'N' prohibits disabling of authorization objects |
auth/rfc_authority_check | Abap | Ausführung der RFC-Berechtigungsprüfung |
auth/su53_buffer_entries | Auth | Number of SU53 shared buffer entries per work process |
auth/system_access_check_off | Abap | Switch off automatic authorization check |
auth/tcodes_not_checked | Auth | Disables Tcode checking for SU53 & SU56 auth analysis |
auth/test_mode | Auth | Jump into report rsusr400 at every authority-check |
wdisp/max_permission_table_entry_size | WebDisp | URI permission table: max. size of one table entry in characters |
backproc/steplevel_db_write | Batch | background processing: db-write for each step vs end-of-job |
batch/altlogfile | Batch | missing |
batch/logfile | Batch | missing |
bdc/bdel_auth_check | BatchInput | batch-input: check authorisation for activity DELE when delete TA |
bdc_iob_size | BatchInput | missing |
bdc/protocol/errorforceend | BatchInput | cancel batch-input processing when log-error occurs |
bgrfc/context_check/auth_check | Abap | activate authorisation check for RFC_CHECK_CONTEXT_ID |
bgrfc/disable_integrity_check | Abap | deactivate the transactional integrity check for Units in background RFC |
bgrfc/extern/auth_check | Abap | activating authorisation check for ARFC_DEST_SHIP_EXTERN |
bgrfc/loadbalancing/auth_check | Abap | activate authorisation check for RFC_SERVER_GROUP_RESOURCES |
bgrfc/supportability/auth_check | Abap | activate authorisation checks for bgRFC supportability remote function modules |
dbs/db4/parallel_alter_instance | Database | Override selection of Parralel Alter Lock Manager |
icf/accept_client_profile_level | Abap | accept client switch of profile level for internet communication framework |
icf/accept_remote_profile_level | Abap | accept external switch of profile level for internet communication framework |
vmcj/debug_proxy/cfg/defaultPort | VMC | Line to define the default port for the Java Debug Proxy |
vmcj/debug_proxy/cfg/waitTimeout | VMC | Line to define the wait timeout for the Java Debug Proxy |
codepage/R2host | System | Specify codepage of R2 system / used by R2 sapgui |
cpuid/<xx> | System | define an abbreviation for a long hostname |
cpuid/before_first | System | Truncate After Character for computer names |
cpuid/behind_last | System | computername behind seperator character |
cpuid/trunc_left | System | Which side to truncate computer name |
cpuid/trunc_size | System | When truncating computer names, number of remaining c. |
csi/enable | ICM | Enable content scan interface in ICM |
csi/SAP/csa_lib | ICM | Path and fille name for the external content scan adapter (shared library) |
cua/only_pres | Cua | missing |
dbms/id | Database | missing |
dbms/type | Database | missing |
dbs/ada/dbroot | Database | Home Directory of ADABAS |
dbs/ada/dbservice | Database | ADABAS service |
dbs/ada/logsegmentsize | Database | Minimal size of the LogSegment (ADABAS) |
dbs/ada/maxlocks | Database | Minimal number of MaxLocks (ADABAS) |
dbs/db2/cli_trace | Database | DB2/390: switch on/off CLI trace |
dbs/db2/cli_trace_dir | Database | DB2/390: CLI trace directory |
dbs/db2/con_profile | Database | Connection Profile for DB2/390 |
dbs/db2/hosttcp | Login | TCP address of database host |
dbs/db2/hosttcp_standby | Login | TCP address of standby database host |
dbs/db2/icli_client_trace | Database | DB2/390: sets ICLI client trace |
dbs/db2/max_priqty | Database | DB2/390 maximum primary quantity |
dbs/db2/planname | System | DB2/390 plan name for dynamic SAP database interface |
dbs/db2/schema | Database | Owner of database objects for this component |
dbs/db2/sql_trace | Database | DB2/390: set SQL trace level |
dbs/db2/ssid | System | DB2 subsystem/group attachment name |
dbs/db2/ssid_standby | System | SSID for standy subsystem |
dbs/db2/use_define_no | Database | DB2-z/OS: Switch for usage of DEFINE NO |
dbs/db2/use_drda | Database | DB2-z/OS: Switch for usage of DB2 Connect |
dbs/db4/allow_cancel | Database | Allow cancel of SQL operations using 'Stop Transaction' |
dbs/db4/alternate_qaqqinilib | Database | Library that contains alternate QAQQINI file |
dbs/db4/connect_type | Database | Type of primary database connection |
dbs/db4/da_cache_size | Database | Database driver cache size |
dbs/db4/dbsl_alternate_package | Database | Switch to an alternate set of SQL packages |
dbs/db4/dbsl_buffersize | Database | Maximum number of bytes transferred per request |
dbs/db4/dbsl_trace | Database | DB2/400: dbsl trace settings. |
dbs/db4/deferred_close | Database | specifies whether deferred close is switched on. |
dbs/db4/driver_type | Database | Database driver type used by DBSL |
dbs/db4/install_no_cmtctl | Database | switch off commitment control for installation |
dbs/db4/max_hostvars | Database | specifies the maximum number of hostvars |
dbs/db4/nqe_optimize_method | Database | Optimization method used by the DB2/400 |
dbs/db4/ntlogonfile | Database | File name for DB/400 logon information for application servers |
dbs/db4/opticonnect | Database | '1' means opticonnect is used |
dbs/db4/parallel_alter_tables | Database | Allow ALTER TABLE while INSERTS occur in parallel |
dbs/db4/qaqqinilib | Database | Library that contains QAQQINI file |
dbs/db4/rdbname | Database | Name of ASP group for independent ASP |
dbs/db4/timeout_retry | Database | Number of attempts to access locked tables/records |
dbs/db4/use_hints | Database | Enable the usage of DbSl hints in OpenSQL |
dbs/db4/xdn_port | Database | TCP port used by XDNLISTEN and XDNSERVER |
dbs/db4/xdn_trace_file | Database | Trace file created by XDN |
dbs/db6/ccms_maintenance | Database | DB6: CCMS maintenance enabling |
dbs/db6/dbsl_cli_trace | System | DB2 UDB CLI trace |
dbs/db6/dbsl_cstrace | Perf | DB6: level for cumulative trace (CS-TRACE) |
dbs/db6/dbsl_dyn_notification | Database | generic parameter for dynamic DBSL notifications |
dbs/db6/dbsl_trace | Systrace | DB6: DbSl trace level |
dbs/db6/dbsl_trace_dir | Database | Trace directory for DBSl Trace |
dbs/db6/dbsl_trace_iocount | Systrace | DB6: DbSl trace: number of I/O records to be traced |
dbs/db6/dbsl_trace_string | Systrace | DB6: DbSl trace search string |
dbs/db6/dbsl_trace_str_len | Systrace | DB6: DbSl trace display length for string/raw data |
dbs/db6/dbsl_trace_time | Systrace | DB6: DbSl trace min time limit to be exceeded for tracing |
dbs/db6/optlevel | Database | DB2/CS Optimization Level |
dbs/db6/statistics_restore | Database | Decision what kind of DB statistics data to restore for DB2 (for AIX) |
dbs/db6/statistics_store | Database | Decision what kind of DB statistics data to store for DB2 (for AIX) |
dbs/dba/ccms_maintenance | Database | DBA Cockpit: CCMS Maintenance Enabling |
dbs/dba/ccms_security_level | Database | DBA Cockpit: Granularity of CCMS Maintenance Security Check |
dbs/hdb/cmd_buffersize | Database | size of DBSL buffer used for array operations |
dbs/hdb/input_parameters | Database | maximum number of input parameters |
dbs/hdb/max_array | Database | maximum number of rows for array operations |
dbs/hdb/stmtlng | Database | maximum length of a SQL statement |
dbs/hdb/stmt_cache_size | Database | size of statement cache |
dbs/mssql/select_asterisk | Database | generic field lists (*) allowed in Open SQL |
dbs/mss/add_procs | Database | maximum number of additional dirty read connections |
dbs/mss/dbname | Database | name of database |
dbs/mss/dbsl_profile | Database | MSSQL: Enable dbsl profile trace |
dbs/mss/max_duration | Database | maximal runtime for stored procedure execution |
dbs/mss/no_cacheprofile | Database | Disables cache profiling for MS SQL Server |