SAP Parameters

Parameter Group Text
itsp/Traces/SAPautom/TraceLevel System SAP Gui for HTML, additional developer trace, automation
itsp/Traces/SAPjulep/TraceLevel Systrace SAP Gui for HTML, additional developer trace, sapjulep
icm/HTTPS/trust_client_with_subject ICM trust client with a certificate of this subject
sapgui/user_scripting_set_readonly Gui Enable or disable a read-only version of SAP GUI Scripting.
icm/HTTP/server_cache_<xx>/max_ufo_entries ICM Maximum number of entries of ICM Cache UFO list
vmcj/asyncCompilation VMC configure asynchronous compilation for VMC
vmcj/cloning VMC activate cloning for java vms
vmcj/debug_proxy/cfg/fileName VMC Name of generated config file for the Java Debug Proxy
vmcj/debug_proxy/cfg/generate VMC Generation of config file of the Java Debug Proxy
vmcj/debug_proxy/cfg/loglevel VMC Line to define the log level the Java Debug Proxy
vmcj/debug_proxy/cfg/msHost VMC Line to define the message server host for the Java Debug Proxy
vmcj/debug_proxy/cfg/msPort VMC vmcj/debug_proxy/cfg/msPort
vmcj/debug_proxy/param_0 VMC Class path for Java Debug Proxy
vmcj/debug_proxy/param_1 VMC Start Class for the Java Debug Proxy
vmcj/debug_proxy/param_2 VMC Additional parameter for the Java Debug Proxy
vmcj/debug_proxy/param_3 VMC Additional parameter for the Java Debug Proxy
vmcj/debug_proxy/param_4 VMC Additional parameter for the Java Debug Proxy
vmcj/debug_proxy/param_5 VMC Additional parameter for the Java Debug Proxy
vmcj/debug_proxy/param_6 VMC Additional parameter for the Java Debug Proxy
vmcj/debug_proxy/param_7 VMC Additional parameter for the Java Debug Proxy
vmcj/debug_proxy/param_8 VMC Additional parameter for the Java Debug Proxy
vmcj/debug_proxy/param_9 VMC Additional parameter for the Java Debug Proxy
vmcj/debug_proxy/port VMC Listen port for the Java Debug Proxy
vmcj/enable VMC enable vm container
vmcj/inline_lock_loops VMC Number of inline loops to get a shared lock
vmcj/jni_strategy VMC define strategy for JNI methods
vmcj/max_error_count VMC maximum number of errors before the vmc is deactivated
vmcj/max_inline_sleeps VMC Max. number of inline sleeps during VMC processing
vmcj/max_vm_heap_MB VMC max. vm heap
vmcj/nested_lock_loops VMC max loops to get a nested lock
vmcj/option/debugPortRange VMC Port range for VMC debugging
vmcj/option/gc/sharedWaterMark VMC VMC: watermark for shared garbage collector
vmcj/option/maxJavaHeap VMC max. java heap
vmcj/option/ps VMC poolsize for the VMC
vmcj/option/ss VMC Java Stack Size
vmcj/prof/directory VMC Directory for the VMC profiling
vmcj/prof/maxAge VMC Max age of VMC profiling sessions
vmcj/rollout_lock_loops VMC Number of rollout loops to get a shared lock
vmcj/sgc_options VMC Configure VMC options for the shared Garbage Collection
vmcj/TRACE_1 VMC trace flags for java vm at trace level 1
vmcj/TRACE_2 VMC trace flags for java vm at trace level 2
vmcj/TRACE_3 VMC trace flags for java vm at trace level 3
vmcj/vm_auto_restart VMC Automatic VM restart
vmcj/vm_shared_lock_statistics VMC Switch on/off statistics for shared locks
vmcj/waitForVmTime VMC Max. waiting time for a free VM
vsi/cache/size_MB System Maximum size of mega bytes which should be scanned in memory
wdisp/auto_refresh WebDisp Time between successive route info queries (sec.)
wdisp/group_info_location WebDisp Location from where the group can be retrieved
wdisp/HTTPS/dest_logon_group WebDisp HTTPS: Logon Group used for loadbalancing in SAP Web Dispatcher
wdisp/HTTPS/max_pooled_con WebDisp Maximum number of pooled connections to a HTTPS destination
wdisp/HTTPS/min_pooled_con WebDisp Minimum number of pooled connections to a HTTPS destination
wdisp/HTTPS/sticky_mask WebDisp HTTPS: sticky mask for client IP addresses
wdisp/HTTP/max_pooled_con WebDisp Maximum number of pooled connections to a HTTP destination
wdisp/HTTP/min_pooled_con WebDisp Minimum number of pooled connections to a HTTP destination
wdisp/load_balancing_strategy WebDisp SAP Web Dispatcher: Set the load balancing strategy
wdisp/max_permitted_uri_len WebDisp max. URI length for an entry of the URI permission table
wdisp/max_servers WebDisp Maximum number of entries of server info table
wdisp/max_server_groups WebDisp Maximum number of entries of group info table
wdisp/max_server_name_len WebDisp Maximal length of instance name in the server info table
wdisp/max_url_map_entries WebDisp Maximum number of entries of URL map table
wdisp/max_url_map_path_len WebDisp Maximal length of path name in the URL map table
wdisp/permission_table WebDisp text file describing the URI permission table (SAP Web Dispatcher)
wdisp/permitted_uri_char_range WebDisp allowed URI character range for URI permission table
wdisp/server_info_location WebDisp Location from where the server info can be retrieved
wdisp/ssl_auth WebDisp Determines which X.509 certificate to use for authorization
wdisp/ssl_certhost WebDisp Hostname with server certificate
wdisp/ssl_cred WebDisp Name of credential file to use when wdisp/ssl_auth=2
wdisp/ssl_encrypt WebDisp SSL reencryption mode
wdisp/url_map_location WebDisp Location from where the URL mapping info can be retrieved
WP_ID System Work process ID (number)
wp/pi/enable_drag_and_relate Dynp enables generation of D&R links for all GUI types
gw/ish_at_filetransfer_r3_to_pc Gateway ish-at filetransfer r3 to pc
zcsa/calendar_area System Size of Calendar Buffer
zcsa/calendar_ids System Directory Entries in the Calendar
zcsa/db_max_buftab System Directory entries in generic key buffer (table buffer)
zcsa/exchange_mode System switch for displacement of the table buffer
zcsa/installed_languages System Anmeldesprachen eines Applikation-Servers
zcsa/inval_reload_c System value of the load counter
zcsa/moddatfm System Default date format for creation of users with SU01 and SU10
zcsa/moddcpfm System Default decimal format for creation of users with SU01 and SU10
zcsa/modtimefm System Default-Zeitformat beim Anlegen von Benutzern
zcsa/presentation_buffer_area System Size of the buffer allocated for screens (Dynpros)
zcsa/reorg_mode System switch of reorganization mode of TBX buffer
zcsa/request_unit System Counter for displacement and reorganisation
zcsa/second_language System 2nd try if text in zcsa/system_language is missing
zcsa/sync_reload_c System value of the load counter
zcsa/system_language System Default-Anmeldesprache
zcsa/table_buffer_area System Size of generic key buffer (table buffer)
zcsa/tablp_exchange_mode System switch for displacement of the partial buffer
zcsa/tablp_reorg_mode System switch of reorganization mode of the partial buffer
zcsa/tablp_request_unit System Counter for displacement and reorganisation of the partial buffer
zdate/DSTswitch_contloctime System Switches continuous system time on/off
ztta/as4/max_free_list0 System maximum number of elements on list 0
ztta/as4/max_free_list1 System maximum number of elements on list 1
ztta/as4/roll_extent_size System extension size of the user context if its filled
ztta/as4/roll_shm_cpp_16MB System size of AS/400 C++ administration area (u. of 16MB)
ztta/cua_area Cua Size of the CUA work area
ztta/diag_area Dynp max size for sapgui description
ztta/dynpro_area System Size of the Dynpro Load Buffer
ztta/hold_data_area System Buffer for User Set/Get Values
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