SAP Parameter rsdb/staton - Activate Extended Table Statistics


Activate Extended Table Statisticsthe performance monitor. The extended table access statistics(call statistics) let you monitor the following, by table:the requests passed by SAP applications to the SAP data baseinterface; and the resulting data base calls issued by the database interface to the data base system. Together with theSetup/Buffer statistics, the extended table statistics are usefulfor tuning the SAP table buffers (partial and complete tablebuffer). You should run your system with call statisticsactivated if you wish to make use of SAP's Early Watch Programfor obtaining optimal performance from your system.
Shared Memory Usage
The extended table statistics are collected in a region of sharedmemory but are transferred to the performance monitoring database with the ordinary performance monitoring records. Theamount of shared memory allocated is from the NTAB (number ofentries in table DDNTT) and is static. No dynamic expansion ofthe statistics structure is needed. The statistics in the sharedmemory region are deleted if the SAP System in which they arebeing collected is restarted. You should therefore transfer thestatistics to the performance monitoring data base beforerestarting the application server(s) in which the statistics areactive.

Tuning (collection of statistics)

Who is allowed

Limitation for os

Limitation for db

Other parameter

  • rsdb/stattime

  • ipc/shm_psize_40

  • rsdb/stattime : To include access times in the

  • extendedtable statistics, set the parameter shown above as well.

    Acceptable values:
    Activate extended table access statistics (call statistics).
    Deactivate collection of statistics.