SAP Parameter rsdb/MB_CUR_MAX - Maximum bytes per character of the DBMS characterset


Short text
Maximum bytes per character of the DBMS characteExplicitly specifies the MB_CUR_MAX (maximum bytes per character) ofthe DBMS when overridden with value 2. Unless in exceptional caseswhere the DB-interface fails to recognize the DBMS characterset asbeing multi-byte, the parameter should remain at its default value,in which case the DB-interface attempts to detect the correct valuefor MB_CUR_MAX of the DBMS characterset.Value 1 yields to automatic detection of the correct value, whereasvalue 2 forces the DB-interface to recognize the DBMS charactersetas being multi-byte.This parameter affects handling of underscores ('_', 0x5F) in WHEREclauses.

Work area

Parameter unit
bytes per character

Default value

Limitation for db
Value 2 is currently supportedonly with Oracle.

Other parameter