SAP Note 962712 - DB291 for saving a variant: Radio button group func

Component : Log.DB, Selection Screens, Selection Variants - SAP Query

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses an error message DB291 encountered when saving a variant of a generated SAP query report, specifying instances when the error pertains to radio button group named 'func'. The error is triggered following the loading of a previous variant where buttons within the 'func' group may be hidden without the necessary attribute adjustments for '%EIS'. The resolution involves setting the 'hide field' attribute for selections '%EIS' and '%PRIV' when saving the variant to ensure all radio buttons are appropriately masked. This solution ensures compliance with attribute settings and the prevention of the error.

Key words :
system issues error message db291, generated sap query report, terms sap query, radio button reason, radio button group &, radio button group, 'hide field' attribute, radio buttons, 'func' group, attribute screen

Related Notes :

638844SAP Query: EIS on Unicode systems