SAP Note 953801 - ELIKZ Integration in SAP ICH (purchase order collaboration)

Component : Purchase Order and Replenishment Order - ERP-SNC Integration

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
The SAP Note addresses the absence of 'Delivery completed indicator' integration in the ORDERS05 IDoc used for purchase order collaboration between R/3 and SAP ICH. This deficiency occurs because the ORDERS05 IDoc lacks a dedicated field for this indicator. To resolve this, the solution involves implementing a user exit (including ZXM06U33) in the R/3 system and modifying XI content. Specifically, adjustments are made to the XSL mappings in the XI's Integration Repository, ensuring the 'Delivery completed indicator' is handled correctly during data exchange. This solution is pertinent only for the said collaboration scenario and does not extend to the extended SMI or other BAPI-Idoc scenarios.

Key words :
>       <blockedindicator>true</blockedindicator>       <completedindicator>true</completedindicator>    </xsl, software component version sap scm basis 5, software component version    sap scm basis 5, attribute>       <completedindicator>true</completedindicator>    </xsl, delivery completed indicator isautomatically set, >       <blockedindicator>true</blockedindicator>    </xsl, final delivery flag  >    pack, --replenishment order notification item-->, terms delivery completed indicator, applies topurchase order collaboration

Related Notes :

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