SAP Note 931540 - History: repair MDAC installation

Component : Graphical User Interface -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note highlights an issue where history is incorrectly displayed or unavailable due to improper MDAC installation on Windows systems. The guideline recommends repairing MDAC for Windows XP SP2, as advised by Microsoft, which may also work for other Windows versions. The repair involves reinstalling MDAC from the c:\windows\inf\mdac.inf file and directing it towards specified directories for necessary files. Post-reinstallation, users are instructed to run the Component Checker and clear any mismatch errors in COM and registry sections. Additionally, deleting .trc files from the SapWorkDir and verifying the presence of a History .mdb file ensures the fix's efficacy.

Key words :
terms mdac history repair incorrect display solution, faulty mdac installation, windows xp sp2, \windows\servicepackfiles\i386, behaves incorrectly due, \windows\inf directory, repair process, mdac component, mdac version, symptom history

Related Notes :

199527Input history for SAP GUI for Windows