SAP Note 920427 - IBAN Sweden, maintain bank master data

Component : Bank -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
Despite the implementation of SAP Note 857036 in the system, issues persist with generating both IBAN and standard bank and account numbers for Swedish banks due to the variability in account and bank numbering conventions specific to each bank. The recommended field settings in transaction OY17 include bank key settings (recommended specifications 1 for Swedish company codes and 4 for others), adjusting the bank account number length and checking rules. For IBAN generation, correct input and configuration ensures accuracy, especially considering the potentially unique branch numbers. Moreover, for cases where typical account and clearing number data are missing in IBANs, additional configurations or manual interventions might be necessary. Always ensure your system has the latest updates on this SAP Note for up-to-date solutions.

Key words :
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Related Notes :

857036IBAN: Generation of the IBAN for Sweden