SAP Note 914147 - FAQ: Card verification value CVV (or CVV2, CVC2)

Component : Payment Cards - Sales Documents BAPI's

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note discusses the implementation of the "Card Verification Value" (CVV) field, also known as CVC2 or CVV2, across several SAP releases. CVV usage aims to enhance security in credit card transactions. The integration of CVV is built into SAP R/3 Enterprise from Support Package SAPKH47028, SAP ERP 2004 from SAPKH50015, and SAP ERP 2000 from SAPKH60007. For usage and troubleshooting in standard and non-standard systems, including details on relevant BAPIs and interface adaptations, users should refer to this note and the additional notes referenced, such as Note 426723 on new DDIC objects and modification corrections in subsequent notes.

Key words :
priority recommendations / additional info category faq validity software componentfrom rel, customer component sd-bil-iv-pc payment cards, __%pdfstyle%__ / } symptom credit card institutes, subsequentsap_appl40a40b 45a45b 46a46b 46c46c 470470 500500 600600  references, pci communication structure data 586588   cvv, support package sapkh47028 sap erp 2004, support package sapkh50015 sap erp 2005, / __%pdfstyle%__font-size, overview screen 841259   cvv values saved, components sd-sls-gf-

Related Notes :

1118991CVV field on the overview screen in the order
1011526CVV field without text name on overview screen
837126CVV values are saved to the database
685467CVV: Changes in BAPI interface II
586588CVV: Changes in BAPI interface
586422Correction for Note 426723 II
495979Correction for Note 426730
495960Addition to Note 426724
495866Correction for Note 426723
426724CVV: New fields on user interface
914603FAQ/Collective note for payment cards (Consulting/modif)