SAP Note 893003 - VF04: Incorrect status display after billing (2)

Component : Processing Billing Documents - Basic Functions

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note addresses an issue where successfully billed entries using the 'Collective billing doc/online' function in the 'Maintain billing due list' transaction still appear as incorrectly processed on the list screen. This anomaly is due to the transaction (VF01) operating purely as a dialog transaction without saving a processing log, thereby relying on the header status to indicate processing status. Workaround involves using the 'Collective billing document' function instead, as a complete billing of sales document is necessary to update the status correctly. Relevant transactions and routines include VF01, VF04, and LV60PU06.

Key words :
'collective billing doc/online' function, 'maintain billing due list' transaction, execute transaction 'create billing document', 'collective billing document' function, @0w@incorrectly processed solution, @0w@incorrectly processed, command call transaction, pure dialog transaction, successful billing, billing plan

Related Notes :

818933VF04: Incorrect status display after billing
644060VF04 / VF24 return to selection list
593167Work list for invoice lists: processing status
592810Maintain billing due list: processing status
483731Work list for remuneration lists: Incorrect status display
413674Billing due list: Processing status
313145Processing status of documents in the worklist