SAP Note 888395 - Default parameter determination for the person involved

Component : Incident/Accident Management -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
terms ehs27bsp11ihehs31sp21ihehs32sp11ihehs2004sp11ihehs2005sp03ihincident/accident logperson involvedinjuriesaffected body partsaccident reportaccident notificationosha 301regular working hoursacademic title reason, graphic/phrase/coderep sym desc, numeric-type' enhancement category, application-dependentrep sym desc, ipactwtbeg rep sym type, ipactwtend rep sym type, mainbodypart rep sym type, mainbodypartdesc rep sym type, oldbodypart rep sym type, oldbodypartdesc rep sym type

Related Notes :

846651Corrections for EH&S 2.7B: Support Package 11
548514SARA 311/312 and OSHA reporting