SAP Note 877699 - BAdI Method for enhancing the adjustment display

Component : Contract -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
type                     if_reversal      importing  type          recabool                     if_simulation    importing  type          recabool                     if_continuation  importing  type          recabool                     if_display      importing   type          recabool                     ct_fieldcatalog  changing    type          re_t_adjm_fieldcatalog 3, object                     is_condition    importing   type          recd_condition                     is_record        importing  type          reaj_record                     id_gridroll      importing  type          lvc_roll                     cs_gridvalue    changing    type          reajgridvalue implement, adjustment badirelease    badi definition name500        reaj_adjustment600        badi_reaj_adjustmentthese enable, reaj_fieldcatalog structure                     component     component type                     gridpos       lvc_colpos 2, type                     io_contract      importing   type ref, object                     io_rental_object importing   type ref, field catalog entry                     parameter        type        typing method, adjustment transactions                     parameter        type        typing method, if_display parameters inform, id_gridroll parameter informs

Related Notes :

1579609Editable fields for condition adjustment
1529358Enhancing adjustment display for customer-specific columns
925641Change the values from the standard adjustment