SAP Note 863956 - FI_TF_GLF:No archiving of G/L acct transaction figures (new)

Component : Archiving -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
The SAP Note addresses the absence of the FI_TF_GLF archiving object for the new general ledger's G/L account transaction figures. It highlights the need for importing a Support Package to integrate the missing function. Key specifics include options for narrowing down the data subset based on several criteria such as the ledger and fiscal year, albeit restrictions apply to data from the current and preceding fiscal year or any fiscal year with open periods. Additionally, it is essential to have an active and correctly set up information structure for utilizing the Archive Information System for drilldown reporting.

Key words :
fiscal year/company code, fiscal year level, previous fiscal year, financial accounting documents, standard field catalog, transaction figures irrespective, fi_tf_glf archving object, account transaction figures, fi_tf_glf archiving object, archiving object fi_tf_glf

Related Notes :

868278Test system mySAP ERP 2004, FI and AA