SAP Note 855800 - Support Package 06 Patch 01 for ACC 1.0

Component : Please use component BC-AC - Please use component BC-AC-CFG

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
detailed error message occurs correction, sld client generation bug fix, service-config bug fix, sp06 improved message handling -, terms adaptive computing controller, header layout fixed issues, import support package 06 patch 01, adaptive computing controller, adaptive computing controller 1, improved exception handling

Related Notes :

848122SMSY: Switch adaptive enabled/disabled for servers
839561SMSY: Creating JAVA or TREX system components
831582SMSY: adaptive enabled instances are deleted
827009SMSY: Saving a system as adaptive enabled
812434SMSY_Change of system assignment for AC pools not possible
799672SMSY - AC: adaptive indicator cannot be undone for hosts
793603SMSY: Support of different pools for Adaptive Computing
787895SMSY: not possible to delete AC ports for servers
786795SMSY-AC: Service data disappears
757744SMSY: Adaptive Computing
748372SMSY: "Uncaught Exception" when getting data from the SLD
734843SMSY: Endless loop while entering adaptive servers
725397Adaptive Computing