SAP Note 841128 - BADI CRM_AV_CHECK_APO_01

Component : Availability Check -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note identifies an issue in the CRM_AV_CHECK_APO_01 BADI where the CT_APOREQITM structure is missing from the CHANGE_APO_RESULT_NATIVE_FORM method. This structure is essential as it contains the request schedule lines necessary for BADI functionality. The deficiency is due to a programming error. Remediation involves extending the interface via SE18: Navigate to the 'Interface' tab, select the method, add CT_APOREQITM as a 'Changing' type parameter, save, activate, and implement corrections to resolve the problem.

Key words :
terms crm_av_check_apo_01 change_apo_result_native_form ct_aporeqitm if_ex_crm_av_check_apo_01 reason, request schedule lines, call transaction se18, 'interface' tab title, crm_av_check_apo_01 badi, change_apo_result_native_form method, ct_aporeqitm structure, crm_av_check_apo_01 definition, ct_aporeqitm   type, program error

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