SAP Note 84023 - Re-generating drilldown reports

Component : Report Portfolio -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
investment program actual data    aip                imem        investment program summarization  aic                imcm        appropriation request            air                imdmec-eis, background settings including existing variable groups, report settings including existing variable groups, trlm              tlmmis-b-ra-mr, trm                trmmis-b-ra-cl, application                        application class    transaction-----------------------------------------------------------------------im, project system - info system, fm                 fmertr-cm-cb, investment management, implemented source code corrections

Related Notes :

940535Research Transaction FO7W is missing
499828Drilldown reporting: Saved data cannot be deleted
490348Drilldown reporting:incorrect /no data for certain variables
441486Drilldown reporting:KH125 when generating reports
439206Drilldown reporting:KH299 CHECK_FIX_FOCUS w/hierarchy change
431926Termination MESSAGE_TYPE_X, error KH299
428278Drilldown rptg: Selections w/ attributes in general sel.II
409065Drill-down rep: Incorrect values of key figures
388243RKEB0902(_40): error KY156
366044Does your problem concern drilldown reporting?
330335Drilldown: select / change output type
325297Drilldown reporting: KH299 in RKD_GET_WAERS_UNIT
318156Drilldown: error in drilldown reporting as MiniApp
31054810 characters max for hierarchy name for CO groups
309728Drilldown reporting: KH186 after upgrade to 4.6
195757Saved report data in risk management
182868Assign with length 0; incorrect texts
169764IS-RE info system: terminatn LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUND
154618InSight: X-message NO_RECORDS__CALCULATE_SIM...
146250Incorrect numbers for opt. variable not entered
132735Drlldwn rep.: HCLASS_NOT_EXIST for frozen rpt data
128186Drill-down when selectng period
125956Incorrect numbers w. optional variable not entered
120657Drilldown rep CO-PA: stability of summarization data
117466Drill-down reporting: CONVT_OVERFLOW , HUGE_VAL
117053Drill-down rep.: Plan/actual ind. twice in report
116834Drill-down reporting: large forms, incorrect data
92135Re-generating backup data according to Note 84023
84613InSight: Collective Note 3.1H
81306Preliminary transport to 3.0D2 and Note 44150
78755Incorrect Note 67553 / Hot Package 30D19+30F04
78490Drill-down rep.: truncated texts during PC download
77890Error KH125 in generated program RKC90000
77848Drill-down rep.: term. UNKNOWN_VARIABLE in SAPLKYEX
73338InSight connection to CO-PA
72646Incorrect numbers for factual aggregation ne SUM
72487Performance with forms with hierarchy nodes
72358Drill-down reporting: Report regeneration
72229Performance when navigating and with great forms
71827Drill-down rep., non-cumulative values, values = 0
68461Drill-down reporting, NOP aggregation
67358Drill-down rep.: incorrect variable processing
67248Drill-dwn rep.: Del. condition causes runtime error
66683InSight: advance corr. for performance improvement
63869Hierarchy node with compound characteristics
62091Drill-down rep.: incorr. replaced number variables
61744Format display '&01' with complicated key figures
61714Drill-down reporting: no text for period on list
53766Drill-dwn rep.: ASSIGN_OFFSET+LENGTH_TOOLARGE term.
53354Drill-down rep., non-cumulative values, values = 0
52332Incorr. numbers: Cells w. special key figure selec.
50650Runtime error MESSAGE_TYPE_X for hierarchy choice
47723Wrong figures: variable in several columns
44150Drill-down reporting: adv. transport 3.0D+ or 3.0E
41747Drill-down: Characteristic Value "#" Does Not Work
41067Curr. dr-down rpts for cap. inv. prgs/app. req.
40647Drill-down report:Incorrect nos after text change
40554Drll-dwn rprtng: ter. UNKNOWN_VARIABLE in SAPLKYP1
40536Large form: incorrect numbers; KH125
38107No. variables:Incorrect replacemnt (char. value)
36902Drill-down rep.: Value display with incorr. factor
34285Form: KH253 (recursive formulae)