SAP Note 837308 - Workflow Builder: SWDD displays incorrect version

Component : Designtime -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
The SAP Note addresses an issue in the Workflow Builder where users might not realize they are editing a non-active version of a workflow due to the system's default behavior of opening the last edited workflow. It offers a solution by implementing a version comparison at startup, alerting users if the current version differs from the active one. Users must create a warning message in SE91 and make source code corrections as outlined to prevent confusion and ensure that everyone is working on the intended version of the workflow.

Key words :
create message t100 manually, message class wd   number, source code corrections, runtime version exists, current version differs, workflow builder stores, starts transaction swdd, transaction swdd, status message, active version

Related Notes :

845557Workflow Builder: Problems with versions after copying
571302Collective note relating to Transports in workflow