SAP Note 831779 - CATS approval with workflow: Performance problem

Component : Time Sheet -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP users utilizing workflows for time sheet approval in transaction CAPP (specifically pre R/3 enterprise versions from 4.70 onwards) may experience significant delays in loading time sheet records for approval. This issue is rooted in an inefficient select query in the CATSDB table, which failed to utilize all indexed fields, leading to extensive data scans. Enhancements have been made to the select statement to incorporate 'PERNR' and 'WORKITEMID' within the WHERE clause, utilizing the index optimally and reducing the response time. Implement the fix by applying the corresponding Support Package or the provided correction instructions.

Key words :
/3 enterprise approval tool, terms cats approval, include fields pernr, attached correction instructions, time sheet records, transaction capp reason, transaction capp, response time, unduly long, select query

Related Notes :

861689CATS approval with CAPS: Performance problem