SAP Note 810014 - DART Version 2.4

Component : Data Retention Tool -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
component              component type                        ktoks ktoksvbund rasscxloev xloevxspep xspepfunc_area fkberhbkid hbkidhktid hktidkdfsl kdfslmitkz mitkzmwskz smwskvzskz vzskzwaers waers_skb1xnkon xnkonxopvw xopvwzindt dzindtzinrt dzinrtaltkt altkt_skb1xmwno xmwnoxsalh xsalh, component              component type                        stceg stcegstceg_h stceg_hstceg_l stceg_lxegdr xegdr, component              component typestceg_l land1txlandtx landtxxegdr xegdrthen activate, modify type group dart1, 'type group' radio button, txw_sd_hd sales document header segment, maximum memory usage setting, sales tax identification numberstceg_h, sales tax id numberstceg_l, sales tax id numberxegdr

Related Notes :

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1031576Missing objects in support package of DART 2.4
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