SAP Note 806070 - File reports for Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary

Component : Declarations to Authorities Export - Declarations to Authorities Import

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
p_ccity    cityp_cemail  e-mailp_cfax    faxp_cmail    e-mailp_cname    namep_coff id customs officep_ctel    telephonep_drive  target disk drivep_file    target filep_list    issue logp_mesno   sequential number, p_cemail  e-mailp_cfax     faxp_cname    namep_ctel    telephonep_deta    detailed dispatchp_list    issue logp_memo    commentp_simp    simple dispatchp_varia    display variants_werks    planttape       create file, correction declarationp_ctel    telephonep_drive  target disk drivep_email    e-mailp_file    target filep_konta    contact person, h17 data record log intrastat - czech republich18 data record log intrastat - hungaryin addition, s01 selection criteria - generals02 technical specificationsw01 specifications authorized signatoryw02 control dataselection texts, k17 data record log intrastat - czech republick18 data record log intrastat - hungary 5, transaction code      veskpackage              veitransaction text      create intrastat cusdec edi skprogram              rvexcuskselection screen      1000               note, outputdatumjah   reporting yeardatummon  reporting monthnummbukr  company codep_accum    aggregate datap_agency  vat reg, datumjah   reporting yeardatummon  reporting monthnummbukr   company codep_accum    aggregate datap_adresa   addressp_aridep  receipt, transaction code      veplpackage              veitransaction text      create intrastat cusdec edi plprogram              rvexcuplselection screen      1000

Related Notes :

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