SAP Note 800918 - Rules for API programming with SAPLC1F2, SAPLC1F5

Component : Specification Management -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
init_data_old-valdat  init_data_old-aennr  init_data_old-further_settings-valfr  init_data_old-further_settings-valtoboth, type-pool esp5  call function '<groupname>_admin'      exporting            i_action = 'init_info_get', #ec notext      changing            x_params = init_data_old, purely key date-related mode, _create/update/modify/delete modules, init_data_old type esp5_x_params_type, extensive interface conversions occur, internal reinitialization takes place, set boolean parameter i_flg_key_date_switch_only, possibly required change number

Related Notes :

1564132Authorization error for class type 100 is issued only once
1559662Unclear message: "Entry in field &1 required"
1556732(B)API may not report old characteristic values after lock
1555822Creating several relationships in a (B)API call
1537943Usage not displayed for restrictive authorizations
1526269EH&S Expert incorrectly displays an error
1520381BAdI messages missing in C1F5_SPECIFICATIONS_READ
1509009(B)API cannot generate sorting for identifiers
1505911API changes referenced value assignments
1494425Delete (B)API deletes inherited value assignment instances
1490665Reading specifications takes a long time
1484936Internal system error when copying specifications
1463134Unnecessary conversion of characteristic vals from database
1457612Meaningless status values displayed in scope of application
1457528Empty RECNROOT fields for characteristics cause problems
1439583BAPI_BUS1077_CREATE too slow for large amt of packaging data
1439441BAPI msg "Invalid reference value in field &1" has no value
1438416Specifying decimal places for concentrations for components
1433872Slow processing with large no. of value assignment instances
1430570Incorrect sort sequence when you create an instance
1414058BAPI_BUS1077_CHANGE does not make any changes
1411237Improvements in the specification API
1388009Deleting regulatory lists deletes identifiers
1379553Insufficient selection parameters for BAPI_BUS1077_GETLIST
1376074Specification read API, combination inheritance & reference
1352887BAPI_BUS1077_GETLIST outputs incorrect identifiers
1335123Dialog error message when you submit a locked change number
1321656Data inconsistency when value assgmt instance is inherited
1320811Using the change BAPI to change long texts
1301213Existence check for change numbers
1292246Reading of packaging data with C1E7 cannot be deactivated
1283732Error in read/delete API when several data records entered
1279642Error in specification BAPI and API
1274197Unnecessary locking conflict for inheritance relationships
1258064Error in specification BAPI and specification API
1247216Specification BAPI/API and inheritance: Important notes
1232352API: Error during mass creation of specification data
1180441Existing characteristic data is deleted
1172118No error message for missing unit of measure "1"
1171686API: Missing check for number of user-defined texts
1155119Message "Data was saved" despite termination in exit
1146662EHSS_SPEC_CHECKS, saving of status changes
1133746Irrelevant lock error: Data record is in process
1120922Too much specification data is deleted
1113145BAPI creates value assignment instances despite char. errors
1111161FAQs when you are working with specification BAPIs
1108229Data origin during deletion in ALE
1092703Read BAPI incorrectly counts field ATSRT
1083802Old create API interface updates the long text incorrectly
1074977Example programs for specification BAPIs
1073773Change BAPI changes specification key
1071008Sample code for AT_SAVE_CHECK of BAdI EHSS_SPEC_CHECKS
1066991Read BAPI isses duplicate value assignment headers
1066636Reading of time intervals with read (B)API
1064873Read BAPI does not read all specification headers
1064186Mess.: No values are available for the key specified
1061176"Component assignment allowed" is ignored by BAPI
1055358BAPI calls deliver old errors from previous calls
1053525Characteristic values of class type <> 100 are not posted
1042303Buffer error C$ 128 when deleting detail data with API
1036247Change BAPI sends unrequired message for status entries
1031669Evaluation of changes with SAP enhancement C1F20001
1021534Poor system performance with BAPI_BUS1077_CHANGE
1019218Read API delivers no data in lock conflicts
1017979Value assignment instance is not updated after change
1004557C14K_CLSYS_VAR_GET does not return the current object
1000251User-defined texts for UN-listed substance: Long txt missing
990009System reads overwritten referenced value assignments
987402Usages are output twice
985629Can delete value assignment instance despite missing auth.
985626Several vals. for dangerous goods regul. w/ "Copy Template"
979495(B)API of the specifications creates duplicate usages
968778BAdI EHSS_SPEC_CHECKS and enhancements C1F20001, C1F20100
953708Create BAPI does not create material assignments
947829Characteristic values are lost with class types <> 100
946701Deleting restrictions with the Delete (B)API
945416Delete (B)API requires too much runtime
940765Write authorizations unnecessarily required in EH&S Expert
922010Delete API in C1F5 does not delete status entries
916095Deleting to 2 value assignment details w/ API w/ change numb
914719Inheritance is not updated after the set of rules has run
914550Value assignmt not updated after you change characteristics
914169(B)API does not transfer rec split for detail to val assigmt
899820No error messages during specification import
898235Unnecessary warning parameters w/ read API of specifications
883189Transferring source data + target data simultaneously to API
880183Read API module in C1F2 returns exception INTERNAL_ERROR
877708No status data record numbers in the API error table
877514Usage filtering with the BAPI with empty validity area
814293Data loss when you navigate between object types
732628Blcks remain actve for unncssrly lng time with specfctn BAPI