SAP Note 793669 - FAQ: SUS in SRM 4.0 with XI 3.0

Component : Supplier Self-Services -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
purchaseorderrequest_in = create sus purchase order purchaseorderchangerequest_in = change sus purchase order purchaseordercancellationrequest_in = cancel sus purchase order serviceacknowledgementconfirmation_in = create service confirmation invoicerequest_in = create sus invoice invoiceconfirmation_in = create sus confirmation               sender namespace, despatcheddeliverynotification_out = send shipping notification invoicerequest_out = send invoice purchaseorderconfirmation_out = send purchase order confirmation serviceacknowledgementrequest_out = send service confirmation 4, /xi/srm/supplierenablement/global = sus document               sender interface, /xi/srm/supplierenablement/global = sus document               recipient interface, sus purchase order, purchase order, service selection -> proxy inbound processing, sus invoice, current sus xi mapping, sus proxy inbound processing

Related Notes :

887348SRMSUS: FAQ for error analysis and logging OSS tickets
754356SUS-XI: Current SUS message mapping