SAP Note 789875 - Electronic tax return procedure 2

Component : Umsatzsteuer -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note addresses mandatory electronic tax returns for sales/purchases in Germany starting January 2005, requiring adjustment via implementation of specific support packages for various R/3 and ERP releases, alongside detailed development and security instructions. This includes creating transport requests, adjusting database views and fields, and ensuring software compliance across different SAP versions. It specifies the necessary prerequisites, detailed steps for creating relevant development classes, maintenance of view fields, and the structured deployment of required packages for managing electronic communication with the tax authorities.

Key words :
accounting -> business transactions -> closing -> reporting -> electronic authority communication -> define electronic authority communication parameters, accounting -> business transactions -> closing -> reporting -> electronic authority communicationthe public key, menu path 'order/task' -> object list -> include objects, accounting -> business transactions -> closing -> reporting -> tax return, fot_img_rfc'electronic authority communication settings' img activity, sales/purchases -> make electronic authority communication settings, fot_v_fotetaxc'electronic authority communication parameter ' img activity, img node 'electronic authority communication' manually, electronic authority communication parameters</>, sales/purchases -> assign external tax group

Related Notes :

1576305RFUMSV00 - XML generation - removal of parameter
1556546Elster Content 2.0 2.1 - Error PARSE_APPLICATION_DATA
1533232Adj. to elec. adv. return for tax on sales/purch. for 2011
1426774Adjusting electronic advance return for tax for 2010
1420909Advnce rtrn for tx on sls/prch: New publc cert for clrng hse
1414411Advnce ret tx sls/purch ELSTER XI. 7.0-7.11 config int engne
1377698Elster 2.1 XI 7.1- Key figures 81 + 89 not transferred
1305039Return for special advance payment of TSP in ERP 6.0
1298175FOTV: Line breaks output in detail view
1293294Adv. ret. for tx sls/pur. w/ Elster and PI 7.10, 7.11, 7.30
1288061Adj to advance return for tax on sales/purchases for 2009
1283381FI- Elster with XI --> Convert certificate for signature
1264911Elster 2.0 w/ XI 7.0: Incorr. qrtrly return for 2nd/3rd qrtr
1234515Elster content for NW PI 7.1
1141975FOTV - Short dump in receipt log with XML viewer
1138757FOTV: Printing the prepared display of advance sales tax rtn
1136645ELSTER 2.0 UVA: Return by quarters incorrect
1125410Adjstmt elect advance return for tax on sales/purchases 2008
1113812Elster 2.0 XI 70: error RC 110015003 when sending tax return
1076752Display ELSTER receipt log in style sheet
1069329ELSTER ERP2005 XI 3.0 elec advance ret for tax on sales/purc
1037155ELSTER, FOTV: Report line cannot be deleted
1021873FOTV: Error importing style sheet to Unicode system
1011432Adjustmt electr advance rept for tax on sales/purchases 2007
1010307ELSTER: Time-dependent key figures using tax group version
1008021Elect tax return: Incorrect encoding (error code: 010029008)
1001541ELSTER: Detail view printed on several pages in FOTV
982434Electronic tax return (ELSTER): Err in receipt log XML disp.
950230Documentation electronic advance return tax sales/purchases
944714Elect advnce ret for tax on sls/purchs: Cnversn frm BC to XI
934189Elect adv return tax sales/purchases digital signature (XI)
927913ELSTER: Sending error due to new pairing check
915954FOTV-Cannot change tax payable if spec adv payment in pd 12
904153Electr tax return - Enhancement electr adv VAT report 2006
901107Adj of electronic advance ret for tax on sls/purchs for 2006
893630Electronic advance return for tax on sales/purchases
878552RFUVBE00: No output if 'Version' is used
873659Search help for tax on sales/purchases groups
871151FOTV: Name of the contractor missing in formatted display
846800ELSTER: Procedure for investigating reporting
845219Delimiting fin. rptg per. w/ elec. adv. rtn for tax on s/p
836521ELSTER with country key not = 'DE' for German Part 2
829645ELSTER with country key not = 'DE' for Germany
828674Advance delivery: Electronic tax return changeability
827770Documentation for electronic advance return on sales tax
827756FM TAX_REP_GET_MWART is missing after SP is imported
819852Advnce retrn for tax on sales/prchses & elec tax retrn print
814603Elster changeability and style sheet: Corr instructions
813876Electr tax return: Special char in fields for contact person
806803ELSTER FIN: Error in the log processing
805533Error using SSF or HTTPS
802267ELSTER Format of the tax number/interface description
802097Adapting JVA report RGJVTAX2 to electronic tax declarations
801696Advnce ret for tax on sls/purchs w/ elec tax return & XI 3.0
800464Elec. ad ret. for tax on s/p (Elster2)- error in receipt log
797910Electronic advance return for tax on sales/purch. for 2005
795961Incorrect decoding of the data part
795478Syntax error in SALTAXR according to Note 789875
793203Electronic UVA (Elster2) - composite note
751603Electr.transfer of adv.return on sales/purchases (Elster 2)
520710Spain: Self Invoice for intra EU acquisitions