SAP Note 789011 - FAQ: Oracle memory areas

Component : Oracle -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses various aspects of Oracle memory management, key for optimal performance and system stability. It identifies and describes different Oracle memory areas including the System Global Area (SGA) and the Program Global Area (PGA), detailing their purposes and components such as the Buffer Pool, Shared Pool, and Redo Buffer. The note outlines important parameters influencing memory sizes, including `DB_CACHE_SIZE` and `SGA_TARGET`, and advises on setting these parameters within an SAP environment to prevent common issues like inadequate memory allocation and unintended resizing activities. Additionally, it covers methods to investigate current memory utilization and adjust sizes based on system demands.

Key words :
oracle memory = buffer pool + shared pool + pga + process memory               due, internal limit restriction exceeded            error ora-12540, fewer time-consuming disk-accesses, 6 mb operating system-sided memory consumption, frequently asked questions solution 1, large buffer pools due, single operating system process, separate operating system process, process allocates 5 mb memory, pga allocation primarily depends

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